Frequently Asked Questions

How do you charge for your work?

For most writing projects, I will provide a written proposal including a fixed price estimate and a delivery schedule. Additional work or projects which are not well defined, may be performed on a time & materials basis with the prior approval of the client. For more information, click here.

How long will my project take?

Prior to beginning your project, I will provide you with a schedule and completion date. Throughout the project, I will provide you with periodic status reports.

Where do you work?

Although some tasks, such as meetings or interviews, must be performed at your site, I perform most of my work at my office.

Do you do artwork?

While I can arrange to provide artwork, I am a writer, not an artist.For certain projects, I will provide sketches or “roughs”.

What industries have you worked in?

My background includes extensive experience in: Finance, High tech, software,and systems, Manufacturing, Insurance, Textiles and garment manufacturing,Chemicals and mining, Construction/engineering, Real Estate, Petroleum and energy, Training, Non-profits and associations. For more information,
click here.

Will you do SPEC work?

While I seldom accept “spec” projects, I will occasionally consider some form of deferred or alternative compensation, in the case of “startup” firms and some nonprofit organizations.

Why should we use a freelance business writer?

More and more managers are recognizing the value of freelance writers, particularly when:

  • Your internal resources are not available
  • You need to reduce a backlog
  • Specific skills are not available in-house
  • A different perspective is desired
  • Saving money is a priority
  • Saving your time is a priority
  • Time on a project is limited.

How do we know we’ll like your work?

As a manager, you know that every business decision has some risk, but the risks of working with me are very limited. After all:

  • I have been doing this for a long time…bad or undependable writers don’t last long,
  • My future business depends on satisfying clients…like you,
  • You’ve seen samples of my work,
  • On any large project, I’ll give you frequent deliverables so you can see how the work is progressing,
  • And if, for any reason, you’re NOT happy with my work, then fire me!

How can an outsider write about a technology or product that is unique to our company?

Fast and efficient startup is a function of skill and experience. For years, companies with complex requirements have used my services. In fact, many discovered that an outside perspective was needed to insure effective communications.

Isn’t a freelancer always more expensive than internal resources?

A freelance writer may actually cost your organization LESS. Remember that you will not be contributing to my state and federal taxes, insurance, benefits, vacation, sick time, overtime, and more. In addition, you will only pay me for the work I do…you will not pay for “down time”, time between projects, daydreaming, water-cooler time, writer’s block…

So, what’s the next step?

  • To contact me about your project, Click here,
  • To get an idea about how I work, Click here.
  • To review my background, qualifications, and previous clients, Click here.